Human Foods That Are Good for Dogs

by Sundays

What can dogs eat that we eat too? Take a look at some of the best human foods that are not only tasty, but also good for your dog's health.

You want your dog to eat as well as you do, right?
The thing is, how do you know what human food is good for dogs? Our bodies don’t work the same way, and something that’s healthy for you might actually be very dangerous to feed to your best pup friend. But that doesn’t mean you have to deny them all human foods.
Here’s a helpful guide to human food for dogs so you’ll know which fruits, veggies, and other foods are actually good for them.

Beef and Chicken

Most dogs would do anything for a taste of beef or chicken. But are these good human foods for dogs? Yep, they are actually great sources of protein, which is your dog’s main source of energy. 
Animal meat also provides essential amino acids that your dog’s body needs. Dogs can make about half the amino acids they need to thrive, and they have to get 10 amino acids from their food. These are called essential amino acids. 
Animal protein also offers plenty of vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B, along with iron. Organ meat, like beef heart or chicken liver, is particularly loaded with nutrients.
How to serve it: 
Make sure you serve your dog only the finest cuts of beef and chicken. Okay, yes, your dog paid us to say that. But seriously, you should probably not feed your dog meat from your plate, because chances are, you’ve cooked it with plenty of seasonings. Make sure any beef or chicken that you give your dog is cooked properly, not too hot, and does not have any salt or spices added.


Speaking of animal protein, eggs are excellent for dogs, and they also contain many essential amino acids. They are nutritional powerhouses, filled with everything from iron and fatty acids to selenium, riboflavin, and folate. All of these things add up to great support for your dog’s skin and coat health, plus strong teeth and bones. 
How to serve it: 
They sound great to give your dog, but don’t overdo it. Eggs can still be high in fat and calories, so you might limit them to being an occasional treat. You can hard-boil or scramble them–however your dog prefers them. Just check that they aren’t too hot when you serve them. 
You may also think that raw eggs give your dog some kind of benefit, but actually, the opposite is true. Don’t serve your dog raw eggs, as you run the risk of exposing yourself or your dog to salmonella. 


You may be thinking that pumpkin’s just for making Thanksgiving pies, but did you know that it’s actually a superfood? It’s high in soluble fiber and prebiotics, which means it can help keep things flowing smooth and easy through your dog’s digestive tract. Your dog’s tummy and taste buds will thank you!
Pumpkin also gives dogs plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin (also known as vitamin B2), vitamin E, iron, and potassium. We could go on, but you get the idea.
How to serve it: 
You don’t need to go out and search for one of those pie pumpkins. Instead, look for a can of 100% pumpkin, NOT the pie filling cans that have other ingredients. You can add a spoonful to your pup’s regular food every now and then, keeping in mind that pumpkin is high in calories.


This is the stuff that’s supposed to make your smoothies healthy, so is it good for dogs, too? Yes, but it gives them a benefit that doesn’t really apply to us. It’s full of omega-3 and omega-6, two fatty acids that help keep your dog’s coat healthy, shiny, and better to cuddle with. It also contains a lot of fiber to help keep your dog regular. 
How to serve it: 
It’s best to use ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil, and you can add small amounts of either of these to your dog’s food. Be sure to throw out any food that you’ve added flaxseed to if your dog doesn’t eat it, as it can go rancid quickly.


Ah, the underdog of the vegetable world! Zucchini’s got tons of good stuff going for itself, but everyone’s always talking about its flashy cousins, kale and spinach. Sure, they’re great for dogs too, but let’s talk about zucchini for a minute.
It’s got soluble and insoluble fiber, plus a whole bunch of vitamins and minerals, like potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium. It’s a low-calorie treat that dogs love to crunch, and it’s what we call a “slow carb.” These are carbohydrates that take longer to digest, so they will help keep your dog feeling full for longer. Take a look at all of the benefits that zucchini has to offer your dog.
How to serve it:
Some dogs will happily sit for bite-size raw zucchini “treats,” while others might prefer the cooked version. If you serve it raw, be sure to cut it into small pieces so it’s not a choking hazard. For cooked zucchini, be sure it’s not too hot for your pup, and don’t add any spices or other ingredients that could be harmful to dogs. You can stir this in with your dog’s regular food.


Does an apple a day keep the vet away? Not exactly, but apples are definitely worth including in our list of human food for dogs. Turns out, a lot of the foods on this list have fiber, and apples certainly do, too.
This is another crunchy treat that’s low in calories. It’s not lacking in vitamins, either. Apples have vitamins A and C, which can help support your dog’s immune system. The one drawback is that apples do have a lot of sugar, so don’t feed your dog more than a few slices per day. And ask your vet about feeding your pup apples if they are diabetic.
How to serve it:
Always remove the core, stems, and seeds before you give your dog apples. You can feed your pup a few slices, grate some over their food or mix it in, or if you’re feeling extra ambitious, you could even make your dog some 100% pure applesauce!


Here’s another fruit that’s a good snack option for dogs. So what makes a blueberry such a good human food for dogs? 
Let’s start with the fact that blueberries have tons of cancer-fighting antioxidants, plus they taste pretty great to humans and our four-legged friends. And of course, you’ll also find plenty of vitamins A, C, and K. That all adds up to good immunity as well as healthy skin, coat, and bones, all in a tiny fruit!
How to serve it:
You can serve blueberries just as they are, or try mashing them up for a tasty food topper.


This is one that also gets overlooked as a healthy human food for dogs. A lot of dog foods contain some form of tomatoes, usually as a tomato pomace. The reason is that ripe tomatoes offer a bunch of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B6, C, and K; potassium; manganese; phosphorus; and folate (the natural form of vitamin B9). The good stuff in tomatoes can help keep your dog’s vision, skin, bones, and heart in good health.
How to serve it:
You want to make sure never to give your dog unripe tomatoes, which contain a substance called solanine that can be toxic to dogs in large amounts. You can give your dog small pieces of raw tomato, or you can give them cooked tomato and/or puree it.
No matter which of these human foods for dogs you choose, remember to keep the portions very small and avoid the foods on this list. You should also check with your vet if you’re unsure about giving your dog any new foods. 
If you want to make sure your best friend gets all the goodness that all of these foods have to offer, check out the ingredients lists for our Sundays for Dogs recipes. It’s all-natural, has all of these human foods for dogs and no weird ingredients, and it was created by our very own Dr. Tory Waxman

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