How to Host a Dog Birthday Party
Amanda Flores

Hosting a birthday party for your dog can be lots of fun. Here, we’ve rounded up everything you need to think of before the big day.
Celebrating your beloved pup on their birthday by going all out is a wonderful experience for everyone. That’s why dog birthday parties are becoming more and more popular—and we’re all for it.
That special day can be on their actual birthday if you know when it is, or if you don’t—as is the case with many rescue pups—you can celebrate Dogust! What’s Dogust you ask? It’s what many dog parents call August since it’s National Dog Month, and August 1st has been designated the universal birthday for shelter dogs. It’s a great way to honor pups we’ve adopted or rescued—or who, let’s face it, rescued us.
Rescue pup Luna with her dog dad, Ian, on her 3rd birthday
Hosting a birthday party for your dog can be lots of fun, and can be as grand or as simple as you want. Here, we’ve rounded up everything you need to think of before the big day.
Dog Party Supply Must-Haves
From decorations to wipes, you’ll want to have everything on hand to make the day go as smoothly as possible. That way, on the day of the party you’ll be free to enjoy the celebration!
First, the fun stuff. Bring on the festivities by making your pup and their friends look party-ready. Some things you may want to pick up for make yourself are:
- A birthday crown or hat for your pup
- Birthday bandanas
- Party hats for guests with an elastic or tie string
- Dog goody bags for all the good boys and girls
And arm yourself with everything you’ll need to keep everyone happy, safe, and tidy. Your fellow dog parents will thank you.
- Healthy treats
- Cleaning supplies, because dogs
- Doggy first aid kit
Belle on her first birthday
Fun Activities and Games to Do at Your Dog’s Birthday Party
Dogs are a lot like children. They’re pretty good at playing and entertaining themselves, but it doesn’t hurt to have some activities planned. Remember to consider the sizes and ages of the dogs attending the party when thinking of the day’s events.
Birthday parade: Take your pups on a walk around the neighborhood (or even just your backyard!) for the most adorable pawrade ever.
Photo Booth: Set up an area where parents can snap photos of their dogs—and don’t forget to create a hashtag so you can follow along.
Toy Bin: Pick out some new ones or just bring used options, as they’ll be new to your doggie guests.
Backyard Agility Course: This is especially great for the younger dogs who need an outlet for all that energy.
Water activities: Dog pools or sprinklers are great hot weather activities for your party pups.
Donation corner: Collect gently used toys or dog supplies from guests in lieu of gifts to donate to your local shelter.
And remember. You can always keep it simple. “We took Cora on a walk to the dog park and then had dog friendly peanut butter and jelly ice cream treats,” says Shannon Gilhooly, mom to black lab and birthday girl Cora.
Cora at her 4th birthday party
Serve Foods & Treats for Your Dog’s Birthday Guests
Likely your pup’s favorite party moment will be when you bring out the grub. Always keep dog food allergies in mind. The popular items listed below all have recipes or store-bought options that are safe for dogs.
- Bake a cake using this dog-friendly birthday cake recipe.
- Snacks, like chopped pears, apples mixed with a few peices of Sundays.
- Frozen yogurt or fruit smoothies
Choose a Dog-Friendly Birthday Party Theme
Decorating your party venue, whether that be your backyard or a spot in town, is half the fun. Make it that much more interesting by choosing a theme. Hang decoration to match, and you can even ask guests to dress up accordingly—and then get them marching in that doggy parade to show off all that cuteness.
Here are some themes you can try:
1. Circus or Petting Zoo: Dogs dress up as animals to up the cute factor (as if that was even needed).
2. Pick a Decade: Choose clothes and accessories from your favorite year or let the guests decide.
3. Sports: This is an excuse to have tons of fun balls around for the pups to play with.
4. Twinsie: Ask your invitees to dress like the pup of honor.
5. Hollywood: Who doesn’t love a Doggie Howser or a Sherlock Hound?
Safety Tips When Throwing a Dog Birthday Party
To ensure everyone has a great time and stays safe, keep these handy pointers in mind.
Assess your dog’s personality: If your dog is extra shy or skittish around other dogs and people, then a big shindig might not be best. If you still want to celebrate, arrange a playdate with a pup they’re comfortable with and indulge them in a fun treat.
Use Dog-Friendly Decor: Your playful pups will chew on anything they can sink their teeth into, so be weary of anything that can be a choking hazard. You may want to skip the balloons and confetti.
Take Breaks: Prevent your dogs from getting overtired by carving out quiet time. You can even designate an area where they can rest—someplace away from other dogs or children.
Create a Potty Spot: Whether you’re at a public park or your backyard, you’ll want to designate a place where dogs can do their business. This gives them another opportunity to take a rest, plus less cleanup for you later.
Throwing a dog birthday party is a great way to show your dog just how much you love them, it gives them a chance to be social with other dogs, and it can be tons of fun. Thinking ahead and planning out your day means you can do what you want to do most: Be there for your pup!