What Is A Soul Dog?

by Hannah Roundy

Person and their dog sitting on a mountain looking out at view

What is a “soul dog”? This term refers to people with an uncommonly deep emotional connection with their pup. 

Have you ever heard someone refer to their pup as their “soul dog”? Read on to learn why finding this once-in-a-lifetime connection with a dog is so special. 

What does “soul dog” mean?

If your TikTok feed is full of dog content, you may have encountered the phrase “soul dog”. But what is a “soul dog”? This term refers to people with an uncommonly deep emotional connection with their pup. 

Most animal lovers develop emotional connections with dogs easily and frequently. Even passing a cute Corgi on a walk can elicit happy tears from sensitive pet lovers. So what makes a soul dog so special? 

Soul dogs are that once-in-a-lifetime pup. This dog can read your body language and emotions better than most humans. You are both connected in a special, unbreakable way. This TikTok is a great example of what a soul-level relationship is like. 

How do I know if I have a soul dog?

Also referred to as a “heart dog”, soul dogs have a special place in your heart. Think of that one pup in your lifetime who made you a dog person. Your heart dog may not even be your pup. Many people develop soul connections to pups belonging to friends and family. 

For some, it’s the pup they look after in adulthood. For others, it’s a neighbor's dog that played with them in childhood. Some pet lovers haven’t even met their soul dog yet. 

You know you’ve met your heart dog when you don’t want to be without them. Leaving your dog at home is difficult and you are instantly at peace when they are back by your side. With a heart dog, it’s easy to keep feelings like anxiety, depression, and loneliness at bay.

Although you might develop a connection with every dog you adopt, your soul dog means the most to you – even when they’re gone. Just the thought of them might bring you to tears. Heart dogs are always in your heart and on your mind. 

Should I feel guilty that my current dog isn’t my soul dog?

Soul dogs are only supposed to come around once or twice in a lifetime. So if you’ve had many dogs in your life, odds are most of them weren’t your soul dog. Just because your pup isn’t your heart dog doesn’t mean you have no connection with them. 

Finding your heart dog means that pup is the perfect match for your personality, habits, and lifestyle. There’s no way every dog is going to be that perfect match. But just because your current pup isn’t your soul dog, it doesn’t mean they aren’t someone else’s. 

Remember that you aren’t the only person who develops an emotional bond with your dog. Everyone your dog spends time with – friends, family, partners – may have an emotional impact. Your pup might just be someone else’s soul dog and that’s okay.

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