Sunflower Oil for Dogs: Good or Bad Idea?

Can dogs have sunflower oil? Read on to discover how sunflower oil for dogs can strengthen heart health, immunity, and more.
The Seed Oil Controversy
The current generation of pet parents cares deeply about what their dog eats. Even 20 years ago, human-grade dog food was difficult to find simply because there wasn’t a big market for it.
Today, dog parents spend more time researching the manufacturing of their pet’s food. Every ingredient faces scrutiny – and for good reason. Dogs are part of the family and you don’t feed your kids just any food off the shelf.
Recently, there’s been speculation about the nutritional value of seed oils for both humans and dogs. Many processed foods humans eat have seed oils. When we consume too much of these oils, health issues may develop.
On the other hand, seed oils can be a much healthier alternative to fatty ingredients. Canola oil, sesame oil, and soy oil are healthier substitutes for butter, margarine, or lard.
“Seed oil” is merely an umbrella term. There are dozens and dozens of different seed oils. Some of them are edible and nutritious, others are not.
Some seed oils, such as avocado and grape seed, can be toxic for dogs. But this doesn’t mean that dogs need to avoid seed oils of all kind.
Both canines and their human companions need Omega-6 fatty acids in their diet. Seed oils are a rich natural source of these fatty acids. So small doses of seed oils can be quite beneficial for both you and your furry friend.
Can dogs have sunflower oil?
As with most other foods, sunflower oil for dogs is safe in moderation. Can dogs eat sunflower oil in large quantities? No, this seed oil should only be fed to dogs in small servings. Dogs should only eat about one teaspoon of sunflower oil per week.
Think of it this way: humans typically cook with oils rather than drinking it in large quantities. It’s the same for dogs. A little sunflower oil goes a long way.
Can dogs eat sunflower oil straight up? Your pup won’t find sunflower oil very tasty on it’s own. Instead, we recommend adding sunflower oil on top of other foods that are safe for dogs to eat.
The easiest way to add sunflower oil to your dog’s diet is to find food that already contains this ingredient. Sundays for Dogs, for instance, includes a small dose of sunflower oil to help your pup thrive.
Is sunflower oil good for dogs?
We know dogs can eat it, but is sunflower oil good for dogs? Yes, sunflower oil for dogs is very nutritious in moderation. It’s a natural source of Omega-6 fatty acids that can improve your dog’s skin and coat health.
Is sunflower oil good for dogs with health struggles? Absolutely. The antioxidants in sunflower oil can boost your dog’s immune system. Sunflower oil for dogs can also replace bad cholesterol (LDL) with good cholesterol (HDL) to improve heart health.
When sunflower seed oil combines with fish oil, the result is a fatty acid superfood. The Omega-6s in sunflower oil balance out the Omega-3s found in the fish oil. Too much of either fatty acid can result in inflammation or even obesity. Balancing out these nutrients remove the risk of overexposure.
Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?
While sunflower oil for dogs is safe, seeds are more complicated. Sunflowers seeds have the same nutritional benefits for dogs, so long as they are unsalted and deshelled.
Even small amounts of salt can be toxic to dogs. Plus, dogs don’t really require flavor enhancers like salt. Sunflower seed shells are also difficult for our pups to digest.
You can feed your dog sunflower seed kernels so long as there are no added flavors. Depending on their size, dogs can eat anywhere from 10 to 40 seeds per week. We always suggest speaking with your vet before adding a new snack to your dog’s diet.
Why We Include Sunflower Seed Oil in Sundays
Sunflower oil is a small but powerful ingredient in Sundays for Dogs. Since our dogs require a lot of protein, each recipe has 80% or more real meat. Then we add real fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for nutritional balance and taste.
You’ll find sunflower oil in our USDA beef recipe. It’s a great source of healthy fats and Omegas to help your dog thrive. Plus, this saves you the trouble of adding sunflower oil to your dog’s diet. Sundays does that for you!
Sundays’ goal is to make it easier to be an awesome dog parent. We include sunflower oil in our food to save you the trouble of adding toppers to your pup’s bowl. That’s also why Sundays for Dogs is air dried for easy storage and serving. Sundays is the easiest way to serve your pup healthy, 100% human-grade dog food.