Moose and How Sundays for Dogs Helped Him on His Weight Loss Journey

by Hannah Roundy

Moose the Mini Australian Shepherd

Check out this real-life dog's transformation thanks to real-food, human-grade ingredients.

A Mini Australian Shepherd named Moose experienced a significant transformation when he switched to Sundays. The 4-year-old pup has a vibrant personality and loves his pet parent, Alexa, more than anything. 

How it all began.

“Moose was a spur-of-the-moment addition to the family one week before the COVID lockdown,” Alexa said. “My boyfriend and I weren’t planning on getting a dog that day, but once we met him we just couldn’t leave without him, and he has changed our lives forever.” 

Alexa describes Moose as “independent and velcro all at the same time.” The Mini Aussie loves his human family but is a bit more shy around strangers and other dogs. Funny enough, Moose enjoys playing with cats! 

When the pounds started to add up.

As a puppy, Moose was fed a higher-quality kibble diet. Alexa noticed he was gaining unnecessary weight, so she tried switching him to a weight-control kibble recipe. Even then, Moose wasn’t making any improvements. Alexa decided to look for a better dog food diet for him rather than feeling “guilt with every scoop of food [she] dumped into his bowl.”

And the weight control diet didn't work. 

“That’s when we discovered Sundays. It was more convenient and accessible than the other options out there. Within a few weeks of the switch, Moose had dropped back down to his healthy weight, his fur felt much softer, and his eyes stopped tearing. He also used to throw up occasionally but that has stopped, as well.”

Now Sundays makes everyone happy. 

According to Alexa, Moose always knows when it’s dinner time and he loves to scarf down the Sundays chicken or beef recipes out of his bowl, puzzle feeder, or sniffle mat. 

“It’s such a relief to know that Moose is healthy again. I only wish we made the switch sooner. Thanks Sundays!” 

Try Healthy, Easy Sundays