How Often Do Puppies Poop?

by Sundays

Let’s just say you should be prepared for a puppy to poop more than you’re used to with an older dog.

It’s no secret that puppies poop. A lot. But just how often should a puppy poop? 

Let’s just say you should be prepared for a puppy to poop more than you’re used to with an older dog. 

Here’s everything you need to know about your little pooping machine, from why they poop so much to making sure your  puppy’s gut and digestive system are healthy. 

How Often Should a Puppy Poop?

It’s normal for healthy puppies to need a bathroom break as often as five times a day. That may sound like way too much poop, but it makes sense if you think about it. 

Puppies eat more often than adult dogs, so they tend to have more frequent bowel movements. They start out eating four meals a day, and around 3 or 4 months, it will go down to three feedings a day. As they get to be around 8 months to a year, you’ll go down to just two feedings a day. As they get fed less often, the amount of poop will go down, too.

Keep in mind that your puppy’s digestive system is still developing. Their tummy is still getting used to solid food, and their system can’t handle a lot at once.

However, it’s normal if your puppy poops fewer than five times a day, too.  As with adults, factors like how much they eat, what they eat, and how active they are can affect their bathroom habits.

As long as your pup’s movements are solid and fairly regular, and you don’t notice any severe pain, discomfort, or blood during bowel movements, your pup’s poop habits are likely normal. 

When Should Your Puppy Poop?

As a general rule, your puppy will poop within just a few hours after eating. However, each puppy has their own schedule. Puppies of different breeds may take longer or less time to digest food, depending on their metabolism, but it shouldn’t take more than four or five hours for the food to pass through that tiny body.

Your dog will likely get on a regular routine during potty training. In other words, if your puppy usually poops first thing in the morning, they will probably continue this schedule through adulthood. If your dog tends to poop after breakfast and dinner, they’ll probably continue this routine as well. 

Occasional changes in your pup’s poop schedule aren’t a cause for concern unless they are acting weird or have symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, lethargy, or discomfort. 

Is My Puppy Pooping Enough?

So now that you know that puppies should poop up to five times a day. But what if your puppy is pooping way less than that? ? 

If your puppy poops once a day, this may be normal for them. As long as you don’t notice any sudden changes in the texture or color of their poop;  a change in your puppy’s behavior; signs of pain, straining, or discomfort during bowel movements; or bloody stool, then it’s more than likely OK.
Is My Puppy Constipated?
That said, it may be cause for concern if they go a whole day without pooping, or if your dog usually poops once or twice a day but skips a day. 
If your puppy hasn’t pooped in two days, they may be constipated. Your pup may also be constipated if their stool is hard, dry, pebble-like, or comes in very small amounts. You may also notice excessive straining with no poop, bloody stool, or small lumps. Call your vet if you see any of these signs.

What causes constipation and infrequent pooping? One of the most influential causes of constipation is dehydration. If your pup isn’t getting enough water in their diet, their stool may be dry and hard. In turn, this makes it difficult for your furry BFF to pass stool at all. 

Other factors like age, activity and exercise level, diet and fiber intake, anal gland issues, electrolyte imbalance, stress or psychological concerns, or even surgery and medication could lead to constipation. 

Again, if you notice your puppy is constipated, call your vet. 

In the worst-case scenario, your puppy may not be going because they have a bowel obstruction, which is an emergency situation that needs immediate attention.

Is My Puppy Pooping Enough?

What If My Puppy Is Pooping Too Often?

Even if your dog is pooping more often than usual, you don’t need to worry as long as their poop is solid and doesn’t contain any blood. 

However, there is cause for concern if you’re noticing diarrhea or runny stool. If your dog has diarrhea, keep a close eye on them. Make sure they get lots of water, as diarrhea can lead to dehydration. 

If your pup has a dog food allergy or sensitivity to a certain food, they may experience diarrhea or vomiting after eating it. 

A sudden change in diet can also lead to diarrhea.  If your furry friend gets into something they’re not supposed to eat, or they eat rotten or spoiled food, this may also make their tummy upset. 

There are some cases where diarrhea can be dangerous. Call a trusted veterinarian if your pup has runny poo for more than a few days. Try and note color, consistency, frequency, changes in behavior, and other symptoms like vomiting or distress. 

Sometimes, diarrhea is a sign of bacterial infections, illnesses, diseases, toxicity, parasites, or worms, so it can be a good idea to check with your veterinarian what your next step should be. 

Your vet may recommend a temporary diet of bland foods like chicken and rice to treat the symptoms of an upset stomach, and other times they’ll ask you to try and bring in a poop sample for testing, if possible. 

Tips to Support Your Puppy’s Poop Schedule 

One of the best ways to support your pup’s healthy pooping habits is by feeding them a healthy diet. Giving your pup a range of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is the best way to support metabolism, digestion, and regularity in your dog’s poop schedule. 

At Sundays, we know how important it is to get the most nutrition in every bite. That’s why we make our dog food with all-natural ingredients like pumpkin, blueberries, and USDA beef, up to human-grade standards, with minimal processing and gentle air-drying techniques.

Support your puppy’s health, wellness, and pooping schedule with their own customized dog food plan
Try Healthy, Easy Sundays