Does A Full Moon Affect Dogs?

by Hannah Roundy

Full moon with pink sky and long grass in front of it

Astrology enthusiasts believe that a full moon impacts all beings’ emotional and physical health, what could this mean for your dog?

Full moons are a powerful symbol in astrology and various cultures. Some believe that the power of a full moon can cause humans and animals alike to act differently. But does a full moon affect dog behavior? 

What does a full moon symbolize? 

One night each month, the moon completes its cycle and is fully illuminated by the sun. This gives us earth dwellers a strikingly clear view of the beautiful moon. It’s a sight to behold and each month even has it’s specially-named version of the full moon. 

To most, a full moon is beautiful but has no real effect on humans (or dogs). But astrology enthusiasts believe that a full moon impacts all beings’ emotional and physical health. There’s no true scientific evidence to back it up – but some people swear moon cycles affect them.

In astrology, the moon represents emotional and physical well-being while the sun represents spirit. This means a dark new moon that is hardly visible is resting for what’s to come. But a fully lit moon is a time for clarity and awareness to hit you. 

Some people experience restless nights during a full moon. Others have wild dreams that may clarify an emotional issue they’ve been dealing with. But for most, a full moon has no effect at all. Effects are dependent on your own spirituality and what universal signs you put faith in. 

Does a full moon affect dogs’ behavior?

While some humans claim to be affected, does a full moon affect dogs, as well? There’s not much scientific evidence to prove if dogs are affected or not. But some pet parents swear their pup changes around the time of a full moon. 

Dogs are much more sensitive to environmental changes than humans. That’s why dogs can often predict when a natural disaster is going to happen before the hard-hitting signs appear. So it’s not completely out of the question to wonder, “does a full moon affect dogs?”.

Some pet parents claim their pup becomes more alert, vocal, and restless during the season of a full moon. They may pace around the house a bit more and bark or howl at people passing by the house more than usual. 

Only one study shows that their may be a correlation between full moons and dog behavior. In 2007, Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Studies examined vet emergency room visits over the past 11 years. Results show there was a 28% higher chance that dogs visited the emergency room during a full moon for a variety of reasons.

So does a full moon affect dogs’ behavior? This study doesn’t quite prove yes or no, but it is a funny coincidence that vet visits seemed to rise during a full moon. 

Ways to Help Your Dog Cope with A Full Moon

If you are a dog parent who believes their pup changes during a full moon, there are ways to help them. Barking and howling seem to be chief complaints during full moon days. Try teaching your pup the “settle” command to help them decompress and stay quiet even when they feel stress. 

Ensure your dog has a space to “settle” and make themselves feel more comfortable. A settle space could be their kennel, dog bed, mat, or rug. Anywhere your pup can retreat and relax in their own space will help them self-soothe. 

If full moons are a real concern for your pup, try to be with them on those nights. Feed them a few extra treats, snuggle up on the couch, and make them feel as comfortable as possible. Being close to their favorite human will help your dog avoid any behavioral changes on full moon nights.

Looking for more cosmic insights? Take a look to see if your astrology sign and your dogs' are compatiable. 

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