Spring starts on March 20th - and so do the seasonal allergies.
According to Healthline, nearly 8% of Americans experience seasonal allergies. Symptoms can include a runny nose, nasal congestion, watery eyes, a cough and more. But did you know that dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies, too?
What are seasonal allergies?
Allergies occur when your immune system develops hypersensitivity to a particular substance. Dogs can develop allergies to anything from food and medications to environmental substances like pollen and plants. An allergy typically appears for dogs when they are about six months old, according to VCA Hospitals.
Seasonal allergies occur as the weather begins to change. Symptoms from these allergies can show during any of the four seasons, but are most common during the spring and summer. This is due to the fact that plants and flowers are beginning to bloom again, causing pollen to spread at their highest levels. Dogs can suffer from allergies to pollen, dust and mold just like humans can!
Dog itching & licking paws
How do I know if my dog has seasonal allergies?
Just like humans, seasonal allergies are pretty common for every dog breed. The symptoms are very similar to what a human experiences, too!
Most seasonal allergies are shown through your dog's skin & coat. But other seasonal allergy symptoms for dogs can include:
Scratching or biting their coat or skin
Red or inflamed skin
Excessive shedding
Licking their paws
Bum scoots or licking their anal glands
Red, waxy ears (signifying an ear infection)
Difficulty breathing, coughing or wheezing
How can I help soothe my dog's seasonal allergies?
There isn't a cure for seasonal allergies, but there are ways to soothe the symptoms!
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Bathing Your Dog Baths can help remove allergens and pollen from your dog's skin and coat. This can help relieve their symptoms and soothe the skin. Remember to only use shampoos that are made for dogs. Shampoos that contain oatmeal can naturally moisturize your dog's skin to help with itching. You can also follow our grooming guide for more useful tips.
Anti-Itch Treatment There are a few topical treatments on the market that can provide temporary relief for your dog's itching.
Clean Their Paws Pollen and other allergens can stick to your pups paws, which is why licking them can be a sign of seasonal allergies. Be sure to wipe their paws down with a moist cloth after being outdoors to remove some of the excess allergens.
Feed Fatty Acids Omega fatty acids are a key source to keeping your dog's skin & coat healthy. Since environmental allergies typically target your pup's skin, feeding fatty acids is important. That's why Sundays dog food is high in natural Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids for a healthy coat!
If you think that your dog could be suffering from seasonal allergies, be sure to ask your veterinarian about treatment options.