Can Dogs Eat Sushi? Ingredients to Feed & What to Avoid

by Hannah Roundy

Platter of sushi

Can dogs eat sushi safely? While most ingredients are safe (and healthy) for your dog, a few foods might impact their digestion. 

There's some questions around how healthy sushi is for humans, sure, but is it safe to share your favorite roll with your dog? The makings of a sushi roll seem appetizing to a dog. But just because dogs can eat sushi, doesn’t mean they should. Take a closer look at the ingredients before feeding sushi to your pup. 

Do dogs like to eat sushi? 

As most dog parents know, some picky pups perk their nose up at even the fanciest food. Other dogs will eat anything that falls within reach of their mouth. But many dogs tend to like the ingredients in sushi, so they may enjoy a bite of this Japanese cuisine. 

So can dogs eat sushi safely? We always recommend reviewing the ingredients in your sushi roll before feeding it to your pup. While most ingredients are safe (and healthy) for your dog, a few foods might impact their digestion. 

Which sushi ingredients are good for dogs? 

Sushi comes in various different forms and flavors. Typically, a sushi roll includes seaweed, rice, fish, vegetables, and occasionally fruit. But which of these ingredients are actually beneficial for your pup? 


Deboned, cooked fish is a superfood for dogs. It’s naturally high in protein and low in fat to support healthy weight in dogs of all ages. It’s also a rare novel protein that’s safe for dogs with allergies to eat. 

Fish is naturally nutrient-dense, too. Take salmon and mackerels for example. Both types of fish are rich in natural zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, and B vitamins to support your dog’s body and immunity. 

Can dogs eat sushi made with raw fish? No, we don’t recommend feeding raw fish to your dog at the risk of exposure to bacteria. Only feed your dog fish that has been thoroughly cooked, descaled, and deboned. 

Most fish are safe for dogs to eat. Avoid feeding your pup fish with a high mercury content. Swordfish, tuna, shark, and tilefish, for example, are unsafe for dogs to eat. 


Brown and white rice are both safe for dogs to eat, but they are not the most nutritious foods. Many commercial dog food manufacturers include rice as the main grain in their recipes because it’s cheap and filling. But since rice has little nutritional value for dogs, it may leave their bellies full without benefiting their health in any way. 

Instead of including rice in your dog’s daily diet, your pup should eat food with nutritious whole grains. Sundays for Dogs, for example, is made with whole grains like quinoa, millet, and oats. 

White rice can be a helpful pallet cleanser for dogs suffering with diarrhea or an upset stomach. The starch in white rice can firm up your dog’s stools and ease digestion. That’s why vets recommend feeding plain boiled chicken and rice to dogs experiencing negative digestion symptoms. 


Can dogs eat sushi made with shrimp? As long as it’s cooked, shrimp is perfectly safe for dogs to eat in small amounts. Double check that the shrimp is free of it’s tail and shell to avoid choking. 

Similar to fish, dogs shouldn’t eat shrimp if it’s raw. Uncooked shrimp may cause shellfish poisoning in your dog along with exposure to bacteria and pathogens. Any method of thorough cooking (boiling, baking, steaming, grilling, etc.) ensures the shrimp is safe for your dog to eat. 

Surprisingly, shrimp has natural vitamins and minerals that can benefit your pup. You’ll find rich levels of vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, fatty acids, and antioxidants in shrimp. This shellfish is high in protein and low in calories, as well. 

Crab Meat

Yes, dogs can eat sushi that’s made with real crab meat. In fact, crab meat is a lean source of  protein that’s great for your dog’s overall health. 

Crab meat is actually incredibly nutritious for dogs. It’s rich in zinc to support your dog’s immunity, enzyme function, and skin health. Vitamin B12 found in crab meat also promotes your pup’s cognitive health. 

We recommend taking the time to identify real crab meat from imitation crab before feeding it to your pup. Often, sushi is made with imitation crab in place of real crab meat. Imitation crab meat isn’t crab at all – it’s a combination of fish with added preservatives and artificial ingredients. 

Since we don’t know much about what’s actually in imitation crab meat, avoid feeding it to your pup. Instead, opt for real crab meat or other forms of seafood. 


Can dogs eat sushi made with seaweed? Yes, seaweed is safe for dogs to eat and actually holds a lot of nutritional value. 

Seaweed has natural Omega-3 fatty acids that support skin and coat health. Those same fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory for pups that might suffer with joint pain. Rich levels of vitamin C found in seaweed can also support your dog’s immune system. 


In a classic California Sushi Roll, you’ll find small bits of cucumber. This veggie is absolutely safe for dogs to eat and they actually enjoy cucumbers as a snack on their own. 

Cucumbers are around 95% water, which means they are a very low calorie snack. This means your dog is getting a hydration boost when they eat a cucumber. Plus, cucumbers are completely fat free and have very little sodium. 

What sushi ingredients should I avoid feeding my dog? 

Sushi is such a broad term as most sushi rolls have different ingredients, cooking methods, and presentations. One sushi roll may be safe to eat while another poses a threat to your pup’s health. So what sushi ingredients are not safe for dogs to eat? 


Some popular sushi rolls include cooked or uncooked tuna. Either way, tuna is not safe for your dog to eat. 

Tuna has naturally high levels of mercury compared to other types of fish. Too much tuna in your dog’s diet may cause them to experience mercury poisoning. Dogs with mercury poisoning typically experience vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, appetite loss, and tremors. 

If your dog sneaks a small portion of tuna off your plate, don’t be too worried. Tuna can really only do damage to your dog is large portions or frequent feedings. 


Another classic ingredient in sushi rolls is avocado. While humans enjoy this mushy food, avocados aren’t very safe for dogs to eat. 

Avocados aren’t fully toxic to dogs, but certain parts of this fruit can cause your dog to experience vomiting or diarrhea. The middle layer of an avocado, the mesocarp, is technically safe for pups to eat. But the natural persin in avocado skin can be poisonous to dogs when ingested. 

Soy Sauce

Can dogs eat sushi that’s topped with soy sauce? No, dogs should definitely not be eating any food containing soy sauce. The high sodium content of soy sauce can pose a dangerous threat to your pup. 

Dogs are far more sensitive to foods with high amounts of salt compared to humans. Our pups don’t need much salt in their diet and even a small serving can be toxic to them. Since soy sauce contains high levels of salt, it is not safe for dogs to eat. 

If your dog accidentally eats soy sauce, they may experience sodium poisoning. Contact your vet if you notice any of the following symptoms of sodium poisoning:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive thirst
  • Bloating
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
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