Can Dogs Eat Rosemary? Is Rosemary Safe for Dogs?

by Sundays

can dogs eat rosemary

This herb may be a staple in your kitchen, but can dogs eat rosemary? Here’s what every dog parent needs to know.

We frequently get questions from dog parents asking what types of herbs and supplements are safe for dogs, so let’s go over some important information to answer this question once and for all.


Is Rosemary Safe for Dogs?

Can dogs eat rosemary? The short answer is yes. 

According to the ASPCA, rosemary for dogs is non-toxic and may even provide health benefits to your pup. 

Rosemary has a wide variety of uses for humans. It’s a common ingredient in recipes because it tastes delicious, has a sweet-smelling fragrance, and has natural medicinal properties. 

Whether it's dried, fresh, an essential oil, or steeped and made into a tincture, rosemary can provide an array of health benefits for you and your pets.

What is Rosemary Used for?

Rosemary is a common herb used in a wide variety of cooking styles. It’s often used to flavor meat, vegetables, and soup. Rosemary is also an ingredient in some herbal teas. 

Throughout history, the herb has been used medicinally to help with brain function, joint inflammation, and as a stress reliever

With the growing popularity of essential oils, rosemary is now very popular in oil form. You can diffuse rosemary oil in your home to create a sweet, piney aroma. However, we don’t recommend feeding or applying essential oils to your dog, as they can be cause skin irritation. 


What Are the Benefits of Rosemary for Dogs?

Can dogs eat rosemary to improve their health? In addition to its uses throughout human history, rosemary can benefit dog health, as well. Dogs can benefit from rosemary in their diet along with having it applied topically. 


Antimicrobial Properties

As an ingredient in dog food, rosemary has natural antimicrobial properties and works as a natural preservative. 

The antimicrobial benefits of rosemary can help your dog’s skin and coat health. That’s why you’ll often find rosemary in dog shampoos and pet topical products. 

Make sure to use a product labeled for dogs specifically. In the first use, only apply a small amount to ensure your dog does not have an allergic reaction.  



In addition to its antimicrobial properties, rosemary can function as an antioxidant. Having rosemary in your dog’s body can help eliminate free radicals that might eventually cause long-term damage. 

Free radicals are unstable molecules in your body that can damage cells, and have been linked to several illnesses including cancer. It is believed that rosemary can act as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, removing free radicals and improving your pup’s overall health.


Bug Repellent

The scent of rosemary can also help to repel various pests and insects. To repel such bugs, you can diffuse rosemary oil inside or outdoors. You can also use rosemary-based products to help keep away mosquitos and other insects. 

Remember, you should never apply essential oils directly to your pet’s skin or coat. The concentration of essential oils is way too high to be safely used directly on your pet. If insects are a concern, chat with your vet about flea or tick preventative products that are safe for your pup. 


Digestive Health

Along with antimicrobial properties, rosemary can support your dog’s digestive system. It can keep bad bacteria out of their guts, which can cause gastrointestinal infections and issues like indigestion. 

How Much Rosemary Is Good for My Dog?

Although rosemary for dogs has plenty of potential health benefits, you should be careful about how much you give them. 

The right dosage of rosemary depends on a variety of factors, including your dog’s size, weight, age, and breed. The reason you’re giving it to them matters, too. 

If you’re looking to give your dog rosemary in a tincture form, you can start with ⅛ of a teaspoon of rosemary tincture for every 20 pounds of the dog’s body weight up to three times daily. 

How to Give Your Dog Rosemary

There are plenty of different ways in which you can give your dog this delicious, fragrant herb. The first and simplest way is just to sprinkle some on your dog's food at mealtime. You can use fresh or dried rosemary since both have the same health benefits. 

Another option is to use a rosemary tincture as we mentioned above. You can then apply this tincture topically to their coat, put it on top of their kibble, or administer it orally. 


Other Herbs That Are Safe for Dogs

Rosemary isn’t the only herb that can be healthy for your furry friend. Parsley is a common ingredient in dog food and dental treats, as it is full of antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamins that dogs need to stay healthy. 

Moreover, it can help keep their breath smelling fresh and clean. We use parsley in our air-dried dog food because it’s packed with vitamin K, vitamin C, and iron. Not to mention, it adds natural flavor that makes the food even more delicious. 

Ginger is another herb that’s great for our furry friends. In the same way that it helps humans with upset stomachs and nausea, it can do that for dogs, too. It’s a natural stomach soother with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

You should always rule out the cause of your pup’s upset stomach before reaching for an herbal remedy. Consult your vet if you’re unsure of the proper herb dosage for your dog’s size.

Check out our full ingredients list for all three Sundays recipes. We know our pups are happier and healthier on Sundays for Dogs, and yours can be, too. 

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