Can Dogs Eat Honey | Is It a Safe Treat?

can dogs eat honey

Honey is a popular treat for humans, but can your pup enjoy this treat as well? Read on to learn what you need to know!

Getting to share the foods you love with your furry BFF is one of the best parts of being a dog parent. Plus, some of these foods are packed with nutrients that are excellent for your pup’s health. Learning how to share people foods with your pup is important, and we’ve got you covered. 

So, can dogs eat honey? Let’s take a look at whether honey is a safe treat for your pup and everything you need to know about sharing this ingredient. 

Can Dogs Eat Honey?

If you use honey in your tea, coffee, baking, or just like to spread it over your morning toast, you may be wondering whether it’s safe for your dog to eat, too. 

The answer is technically yes! Honey is rich in a variety of vitamins, nutrients, and even medicinal properties that are excellent for your pup.
On the other hand, honey is also packed with natural sugars, which can lead to obesity and further health complications if consumed in excess quantities. 
Honey is a perfectly safe snack for most healthy pups when consumed in appropriate quantities. 

Let’s dig a little deeper into the benefits of honey for your dog, which dogs should avoid honey, and how to feed this sweet snack to them safely. 

Benefits of Honey for Dogs

Eating honey in appropriate quantities has a range of benefits, on top of being a fantastic natural alternative to artificial sweeteners and processed sugar. Honey also has a range of medicinal and nutritional benefits for dogs and humans.

Here are some of the most common benefits your dog can enjoy from eating this sweet treat:
  • Honey contains small amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals, and some flavonoids from pollen. While these vitamins aren’t enough to sustain your pup, this treat does have some nutritional value. 
  • In addition to these benefits, honey is believed to contain antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which can support your pup’s health. 
  • Many also claim honey can promote relief from allergies and similar symptoms. Ultimately, further research is needed to determine whether this is accurate. 
Research continues to discover more about the benefits of honey, but overall, it’s a safe treat for your pup to enjoy in small amounts.

Risks of Honey for Dogs

The nutritional content and the naturally sweet flavor of honey make it an excellent alternative to other sweeteners, but it’s important to recognize some of the risks associated with feeding your dog too much honey. 

As with any sugar, artificial or natural, too much can turn into a bad thing. Excess sugar intake for dogs can quickly lead to obesity, which comes with its own list of health concerns. 

Canine obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure and arthritis as your pup gets older. Obesity is also linked to cardiovascular issues, diabetes, breathing issues, and other conditions that can be harmful to your pup. 

Tooth decay is another risk that accompanies feeding your dog too much honey. Too much sugar or honey can sit on your pup’s teeth, leading to excess bacteria and tooth decay. If you do feed your dog a small amount of honey, be sure to brush their teeth the same day as a precaution. 

Honey is especially dangerous for dogs with diabetes. If your dog is at risk for diabetes, has diabetes, or is obese, it’s best to avoid giving them honey altogether. 

How To Feed Honey to Your Pup Safely

Knowing how much honey is safe for your pup is the best way to reap the benefits of honey while avoiding the risks. 

One of the most important concepts to keep in mind is balance. Be sure your dog gets nutritious foods and adequate exercise in addition to any treats you give them!

Here’s how to give your dog honey safely:
  • Dogs don’t need large amounts of honey, so if you're considering sharing this treat, stick to very small amounts. 

  • When it comes to how much honey to feed your dog, less is more. If you have a small dog, a small drop of honey is likely enough. For bigger dogs, you can consider a slightly larger amount.

  • Don’t give honey to diabetic or obese dogs. Though natural, honey is still a form of sugar. 

The best policy to ensure you’re safely feeding honey to your dog is to talk to your vet about how much is safe for your dog. They'll be able to determine how much honey is safe for your pup’s body weight and health. 

Giving your dog small amounts of honey is generally safe as long as they don’t have diabetes or struggle with their weight. 

However, if you’re concerned about your pup’s health, there are plenty of treat alternatives to share with your furry best friend. Try cucumbers, watermelon, blueberries, or carrots instead of honey.

Treat Your Pup to Sundays

Knowing what to feed your pup is one of the biggest challenges of dog parenthood. 

You may be asking questions like, how many treats can you give your pup without disrupting healthy caloric intake? 

What’s the best way to give them healthy snacks without disrupting their feeding schedule

Which foods are safe to share with your pup and which aren’t? 

If these questions sound overwhelming, don’t worry! Our resources can help you navigate the world of dog-parenting like a pro. Plus, with our human-grade, gently air-dried foods, you can make sure to treat your pup at every meal, every day.

Learn more about Sundays for your dog here

Try Healthy, Easy Sundays