Can Dogs Eat Bananas? Benefits & Feeding Guidelines
Sundays Food for Dogs
Bananas are extremely nutritious, even if you walk on four legs. But dogs only require small portions to reap banana’s benefits.
With fruit for dogs, a little goes a long way. Even though dogs can’t digest cellulose (the main substance in plant cell walls), they can digest fruits and vegetables. Even better, dogs enjoy eating them. Fruits have phytonutrient antioxidants, and studies have demonstrated that dogs with cancer can benefit from an antioxidant-rich diet.
Phytonutrients can slow down the effects of aging. A 2012 study adds that bananas can be as beneficial as a sports drink for humans because they’re rich in potassium and other nutrients. In this article, we’ll analyze the benefits of bananas for dogs.Are Bananas Safe for Dogs?
Bananas are extremely nutritious, even if you walk on four legs. But dogs only require small portions to reap banana’s benefits.
Ripe bananas provide glucose, fructose, and sucrose, and they yield little protein or fat. An average-sized banana will have approximately 103 calories. Bananas also are natural probiotics and help to regulate natural intestinal flora.
Food For Thought
Fresh organic foods are sometimes forgotten in canine diets, even though fruits and vegetables are necessary for your pup’s health. A diet that is high in fresh, organic, and raw produce is key to providing optimal health for all dogs, whether they’re seniors or pups. A dog’s body has over 1,300 different enzymes, each with a different function—like digesting food or processing waste materials in blood. Enzymes are essential to life. All raw foods have enzymes, which are produced by living organisms.
“There is a connection between the strength of our immune system and our enzyme level. The greater the amount of enzyme reserves, the stronger our immune system, the healthier and stronger we will be,” adds Humbart Santillo, author of Food Enzymes: The Missing Link.
Enzymes are only found in raw food. This is because they are destroyed in food that is heated over 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40.56°C). Any food that is heat-processed, roasted, fried, or baked does not contain enzymes. This is why it’s necessary to feed all dogs a diet containing some raw and fresh fruits and vegetables.
By supplementing your dog’s diet with safe fruits like bananas and veggies, you’ll prevent nutrient deficiencies. If your pooch has a nutrient deficiency, they may suffer from chronic health issues such as:
- Skin issues
- Excessive shedding
- Stool eating
- Frequent vomiting
- Allergies
- Diarrhea
- Weight Loss
Are There Benefits to Eating Bananas?
Bananas are good for dogs because they contain lots of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, biotin, fiber and copper. Bananas can also be beneficial to dogs suffering from gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea and nausea. Your pup will find this age-old remedy yummy and helpful to their health.
Keep in mind that bananas have lots of sugar, so you should reserve them as an occasional treat or light snack. If your dog has these symptoms, they may benefit from some mashed-up banana to help ease their discomfort:
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Lack of appetite
- Drooling
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Shock
- Dehydration
If your dog is not their usual self, consult with your veterinarian, especially if they’re suffering from abdominal pain. Abdominal pain symptoms can be mild or severe, and they may include:
- Whining
- Panting
- Pacing
- Abnormal postures with forelimbs stretched out and chest resting on the floor
- Lack of appetite
- Licking of lips or air to combat nausea and reflux
Can My Dog Eat Too Many Bananas?
Yes! If your furry best friend is suffering from a vitamin deficiency and is low on potassium or other nutrients, they may benefit from adding bananas to their diet. With that said, if you give bananas to your smaller dog breed every day, you may put them at risk for over-consuming calories and sugar.
Too much of anything is never good. Keep in mind that the banana peel should get tossed out before you give a banana to your furry friend.
Many dog parents think that their dogs benefit only from meat, but dogs benefit from fruit and veggies as well.
While veggies and fruit may not be considered essential for dogs, they’re good for their well-being and may help prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, metabolic issues, and cardiovascular problems. They also may help prevent cognitive decline in senior dogs—phytonutrients from fruits and veggies slow down oxidative damage and help fight aging.