An Overview of the Pomeranian Breed

by Amy De Young

Keep reading to learn more about this vivacious, tiny dog breed that commands the attention of everyone it meets. 

Despite their tiny bodies, Pomeranians, or Poms as they are affectionately known, are bold and commanding. Pomeranian dogs have showstopping double coats with frills extending over their shoulders and chest. They are one of the world's most popular toy dog breeds and are known for their beautiful smiles and fantastic personalities. 

Where are Pomeranian Dogs From?

Pomeranian Dogs are miniature relations to the large, domineering spitz-type Arctic sled dogs. The confident Pom breed is named for Pomerania, which is now part of modern-day Poland and western Germany. 

Pomeranians became incredibly popular when Queen Victoria became smitten with the breed during her visit to Florence, Italy. Queen Victoria returned to Britain with several Pomeranians, which cemented this dog’s breed’s fame throughout the country. Many historical figures, including Mozart, Marie Antoinette, and Emile Zola, were proud pet parents to these charming dogs. 

Physical Traits

The Poms’ most striking physical traits are their tiny bodies and luscious, full double coats. 

Pomeranian dogs come in nearly two dozen colors and a huge number of patterns and markings, although you’ll quickly notice that most Poms are orange or red. 

As for size, these delightful dogs are a true toy dog breed, weighing in at a maximum of seven pounds and standing six to seven inches tall. 

If a Pomeranian is on the smaller side, sometimes weighing as little as three pounds, it is called a “Teacup Pomeranian.”  

Behavioral Traits

Despite their pampered, gorgeous looks, Poms were initially bred as guard dogs, explaining their still-alert watchdog tendencies today. 

As a result of their breeding, Pomeranian dogs have a protective nature and are very vocal, which can become an issue for pet parents if they don’t adequately train their Pom pup. 

Fortunately, Pomeranians are intelligent dogs that are apt to please with the right incentives, so excessive vocalization can be managed with the right training. This stubborn dog breed does best with reward-based training involving games or food. 

According to the Veterinary Centers of America, Pomeranians are typically best as a one-family dog because they can be aloof with strangers, likely a result of their roots as watchdogs. However, early socialization with people and other animals may be enough to counteract this trait. 

Pomeranian Breed-Related Health Issues

According to the American Pomeranian Club, luxating patellas, which occur when a dog’s knee slips out of place, is the most common problem the Pomeranian breed encounters.

Regular vet checkups, helping your dog maintain a healthy weight, and keeping your Pom from jumping on and off tall surfaces like beds or couches are all steps you can take to alleviate stress on their joints and identify any problems early on. 

Another common health concern for Pomeranians is hypothyroidism, which occurs when your dog doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones. Common symptoms include weight gain, lethargy, increased shedding or dry hair, and cold intolerance.

Lastly, Pom parents should always be listening for any type of “honking noise.” Pomeranian dogs are more susceptible to collapsing tracheas, which may make a dog sound like they are coughing up a hairball or “honking.” If you hear any unusual sounds from your Pom, immediately contact your vet, as this can be a life-threatening problem.  

Pomeranian Breed Care

Grooming Recommendations

Pomeranians have remarkable, iconic long coats that are real showstoppers. Their coats are made of a soft, thick undercoat covered by a longer, harsh outer coat. 

So, do Pomeranians shed?

Yes! As a result of these thick coats, Pomeranians definitely shed more than average. 

Pom parents should brush and comb their dogs’ coats at least twice a week to prevent matting. The hair around the anus must also be checked regularly for hygiene issues. 

Health Recommendations

Like all dogs with thick coats, Pomeranians can gain weight unnoticed. So, Pom parents should regularly feel for their dogs' ribs to assess if their dog is at a healthy weight. 

As a general rule, you should be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily without a thick layer of fat present. 

Your Poms’ chest should also be wider than their abdomen with a neat tuck-up from chest to stomach. Overweight dogs will have no noticeable distinction between their chest and stomach. This distinction can be harder to visualize on dogs with thick coats, so a “feel test” is recommended. 

Remember that even an extra half pound or pound of excess weight is a considerable amount for a Pomeranian to carry around because of their tiny size. So, keep your dog’s diet consistent and table scraps and treats to a controlled minimum. Regularly perform “feel tests” to check that they are at a healthy weight. 

Exercise Recommendations

Pomeranians are lively dogs with moderate energy levels. Most of their exercise needs can be met inside with games, but the mental stimulation from walking and sniffing outside is critical to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. 

Take your Pomeranian on at least one to two walks outside daily, not including bathroom breaks, to keep them healthy and happy. 

Pomeranian Nutrition

Pomeranians can put on weight discreetly because of their thick coats, so a healthy diet served in the right quantity is ideal for supporting your Pomeranian’s health. You’ll also want to consider a diet high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which are fantastic for your Pom’s beautiful coat.

Fish oil and flaxseed are two amazing sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and are key ingredients in Sundays’ food. Our air-dried dog food is made from nutritious, human-grade ingredients with no synthetic additives to help your Pom eat healthy, delicious meals while keeping it easy for you to store and serve their food.

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