7 Ways To Prevent and Treat Worms Without the Vet

Important: If your dog is vomiting and there are worms visible in the vomit, if your dog is having diarrhea and there are worms visible in the feces, or if your dog is displaying any sign of illness such as fever, heavy breathing, or whining, contact your vet right away for guidance. In most cases, while worms can be temporarily treated at home while you’re waiting for your appointment, deworming medication and maintenance medication are usually your best bet.
If you're a dog parent, it’s necessary to be prepared for worms. The term “worms” is broad, and can refer to intestinal worms, hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, heartworms, or whipworms. Long list. We know.
Dogs usually get worms from eating soil or dog feces. However, sometimes fleas or other animals can pass worms to your dog’s intestines, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.
From knowing how to treat worms and how you can prevent them in the first place, there are many ways you can look out for your furry friend. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about worms and how to treat them without the vet (though we want to disclose that in most cases, a vet is your best option). Read on to learn more!
7 Ways To Treat Worms at Home
It is essential to know how to help your pup from home without taking them to the vet. If there’s an emergency and you can’t go to the veterinarian, it’s critical to be prepared. Plus, you may not need to see a vet for some minor issues.
Here are seven natural remedies to treat worms from home.
1. Pumpkin Seeds
When it comes to healthy dog food ingredients, pumpkin is a superfood. Pumpkin contains a wide range of nutrients that are excellent for your dog’s health and wellness.
Pumpkin contains vitamin A to support eye health, vitamin C to support immune system health, riboflavin to increase energy and support organ function and development, and fiber to help keep your pup regular. Pumpkin can also be a powerful tool for weight management.
But the benefits don’t stop here. The seeds of pumpkins can help treat intestinal parasites and worms in your dog, thanks to the amino acid known as cucurbitacin.
Cucurbitacin works to paralyze worms in your dog’s body, making them easier to remove from the intestine. This natural deworming ingredient is a powerful way to help treat worm infestations in your pup.
Feed your dog pumpkin seeds whole, grind them into a powder, or add little pieces over their kibble.
It’s critical to avoid using seasonings like salt, pepper, sugar, garlic, or onion, as they can be toxic and harmful to your pup. Stick to raw or olive-oil-roasted pumpkin seeds instead.
It’s also important to note that your dog doesn’t need too many pumpkin seeds to treat worms. As a general rule, give your dog one teaspoon of raw pumpkin seeds for every 10 pounds of body weight.
2. Carrots
It may come as a surprise, but carrots are another excellent deworming agent. Because of the texture of raw carrots, they can help to gently scrape the lining on your dog’s stomach and intestinal wall and work to remove worms.
Plus, carrots are packed with vitamin A and other nutrients for your dog to enjoy! Consider giving your pup up to ¼ cup of carrots per 20 lbs of body weight at mealtimes or as a treat.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular health food for humans, and for good reason. This ingredient can provide health benefits like weight loss, gut support, and an overall wellness boost.
However, did you know this health food is also great for your furry BFF? Apple cider vinegar is fermented with probiotics and works to raise pH levels and good bacteria in your dog’s gut.
Any parasites or worms in your pup’s intestines can’t survive in these conditions. Use anywhere from a fourth to a whole teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add it to your dog’s water bowl for deworming effects.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric is full of benefits for people and dogs. One of these benefits for our furry friends is that it can help get rid of worms and repair damage in the intestines, especially when it comes to calming inflammation. Give your dog a small amount of turmeric and mix it with coconut oil for your pup to reap all the health benefits.
5. Coconut
Coconut is another natural deworming agent that helps expel worms from the body. It’s important to give your dog raw, fresh, or dried coconut with no added ingredients or seasonings.
Prepackaged coconut you find at the store can have sodium, sugar, and other preservatives to extend the shelf life. These additives can be harmful to your pup.
Give your dog ¼ cup max per meal, or you can also give up to ¼ tsp of coconut oil per 20 lbs of body weight to help get rid of parasites and support your dog's health.
It’s important to note that if you do feed your dog coconut oil, you may notice an increase in bowel movements or even diarrhea if you give them too much. Make sure your dog stays hydrated and only give them a very small amount of oil.
6. Chamomile
Chamomile is another natural tool to help soothe damage done by parasites and worms. Chamomile can help calm discomfort and swelling in the intestines thanks to its natural soothing properties.
How can you give your dog this ingredient? Typically, a chamomile tincture is the best way to go. Follow the recommended dosage on the bottle to keep your pup safe and healthy.
7. Keep Them in Good Health
There’s only so much you can do to prevent parasites. Dog’s can find their way into trouble often. By giving them a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle for your pup, you can help prevent worms. Don’t forget to give them their monthly heartworm preventative, too — this is the easiest worm to prevent but one of the hardest to try and treat.
Preparation Is Key
When it comes to worms, preparation is key. This comprehensive guide has broken down the key points you should know about worms, how to prevent them, and how to treat them without the vet.
However, if your dog is very ill, it is always best to take them to the vet for the proper care and guidance on what medications they need to get better.
For more information on being an awesome dog parent, take a look at our resources. We break down everything you need to know, from what to feed your pup to how to support general health.