7 Hound Dog Breeds & Their Unique Characteristics
Hannah Roundy

What does it mean to be a hound dog?
Who doesn’t love a hound dog? From their iconic “awoo” to their floppy ears, let’s review the most iconic types of hound dogs and what makes them special.
What does it mean to be a hound dog?
As of 2024, the American Kennel Club recognizes 32 different breeds as part of the Hound Group. Each of these hound dog breeds are unique and special in their own way. But some share the token appearance, skills, or attitude that hound dogs are famous for.
Most types of hound dogs have ancestral roots as hunting dogs for the rich and royal. Hound dogs have a natural ability to track scents and alert their humans of nearby prey with a commanding howl. Some hound dog breeds, such as the Greyhound, can also run long distances at insanely fast speeds to chase down their hunt.
Being a member of the hound group also means having a more docile and quiet personality. Although some hound dogs have a noteworthy “awhoo”, they are also known for being much more temperate and low-energy compared to other breeds.
Basset Hound
Height: up to 15 inches
Weight: 40-65 pounds
Lifespan: 12-13 years
Personality: Quiet, patient, low-key
When you picture hound dog breeds in your head, the Basset Hound is most likely what comes to mind. Their iconic flappy ears can sometimes grow as long as their standing height. Funny enough, it’s not uncommon for Basset Hounds to trip on their ears when they walk or run.
Basset Hounds have droopy puppy dog eyes that are impossible to refuse. Although their appearance might be comical, don’t underestimate the abilities of this hound dog. Basset Hounds have impeccable scent-tracking abilities and a powerful bark. Only the Bloodhound breed has more accurate scent-tracking power than the Basset Hound.
Afghan Hound
Height: 25-27 inches
Weight: 50-60 pounds
Lifespan: 12-18 years
Personality: Majestic, confident, sweet
One of the more posh members of this group is the beautiful Afghan Hound. This is one hound dog breed that’s more well-known for it’s appearance than it’s hunting abilities. Anyone would stop in their tracks at the sight of that sleek, silky long hair.
Afghans are a taller hound dog that can grow up to 27 inches high. Although their appearance might be what catches your eye, Afghan Hounds served as hunting companions in the ancient Asia mountains. They are shockingly agile underneath their shiny locks.
Irish Wolfhound
Height: 32+ inches
Weight: 105-120 pounds
Lifespan: 6-8 years
Personality: Powerful, calculating, loyal
It’s not a scruffy wolf you’ve crossed paths with – it’s just an Irish Wolfhound. Coming face to face with these types of hound dogs might strike a chord of fear due to their human-like height and weight. But Irish Wolfhounds are surprisingly docile despite their intimidating build.
As you might have guessed, Irish Wolfhounds were talented hunting dogs that date back to the Roman Empire. The breed received it’s name from hunting the overpopulated wolves of 15th century Ireland.
Once the wolf population was under control, Irish Wolfhounds almost became extinct themselves since they were no longer needed. Lucky for these hound dogs, a British captain named George Augustus Graham made it his life’s purpose to preserve this astounding breed to what we know them as today.
Height: 27-30 inches
Weight: 60-70 pounds
Lifespan: 10-13 years
Personality: Athletic, sensitive, noble
It’s no coincidence that the Greyhound Bus Company is named after this hound dog breed. Greyhounds are considered the fastest dog breed in the world. At peak speeds, these hound dogs can run 45 miles per hour. No surprise considering Greyhounds have sleek, lean bodies that are perfect for running.
In ancient Egypt, Greyhounds acted as hunting companions and racing dogs. They even called the breed the “hounds of the pharoah”. Many cultures over history took to loving the Greyhound breed, including Russia’s Alexander the Great.
Despite their name, Greyhounds come in many different colors including red, white, black, and brindle. Each Greyhound has a muscular chest and and a lean waist to pump their long legs while running.
Height: 23-27 inches
Weight: 80-110 pounds
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Personality: Curious, independent, vocal
Bloodhounds are another infamous member of the hound group. Perhaps a larger version of the Basset Hound, this breed also sports floppy ears, droopy eyes, and a commanding bark. Bloodhounds have the most powerful nose amongst dog breeds and can follow a scent for up to 130 miles.
If you don’t require a dog with insane tracking abilities, don’t count out these types of hound dogs. Bloodhounds actually love the company of humans and other dogs alike. They create powerful bonds with their pet parents and are loyal to a fault. You’ll find no better companion dog, as well as a hunting partner if you’re into that.
Height: 18-22 inches
Weight: 25-40 pounds
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Personality: Calm, loving, playful
Whippets are similar types of hound dogs to the Greyhound. They are known for their speed and agility, even being nicknamed the “poor man’s racehorse”. Whippets have a similar build to the Greyhound body, just in a small package.
These hound dogs make for great race dogs or hunters for smaller prey like rabbits or squirrels. If you’re a city dweller, Whippets are actually a very quiet breed that can do well in cities as long as they get enough exercise. Runners in need of a companion will love having a Whippet by their side.
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Height: 24-27 inches
Weight: 70-85 pounds
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Personality: Powerful, well-tempered, affectionate
Last but not least on our list of hound dog breeds is the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Although their name might bring to mind a fire-breathing dragon, these hound dogs are anything but. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are great trackers but even better family and companion dogs.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks only come in one copper, wheaten color. They more closely resemble a retriever with their broad chests and short ears. But make no mistake, Rhodesian Ridgebacks belong to the hound group.
These types of hound dogs have a strong will and a naturally high prey drive. Although they are equally affectionate and social, pet parents to this breed need to make training and exercise a priority for these pups.