5 Hacks for How To Remove Dog Hair From Clothes
Sydney Hess

Our top 5 hacks are meant to be as eco-friendly as possible to get your clothes fur-free while doing it guilt-free!
Arguably one of the biggest drawbacks to having a pet is the hair they leave wherever they leave your side. If you own a dog breed that sheds, you’re likely no stranger to lint rollers and fur decorated pants. Shedding breeds each have their own unique coat that will weave its way into all household fabrics no matter how often you brush them.
Many of the traditional methods for removing pet hair include dryer sheets, fabric softener, or disposable lint roller sheets. These methods are undeniably harsher on our clothes, washing machines, and planet. Our top 5 hacks are meant to be as eco-friendly as possible to get your clothes fur-free while doing it guilt-free!
1. The Dry-Wash-Dry Method
This method is as simple and easy as it gets. You place your clothes in the dryer on a no-heat setting, allowing the dryer to loosen and catch hair in the lint trap. Afterwards, wash and dry your clothes as you normally would. Be sure to empty the lint trap between each dryer cycle.
2. The Fur Zapper
Fur Zappers are made of silicone and can be found for relatively cheap on Amazon. They work by attracting and catching loose dog hair during the washing and drying cycle- as a bonus they are infinitely reusable. Just toss one in with your load of laundry and clean the Fur Zapper off between cycles.
3. Damp Microfiber Cloth or Sponge
This method is better for individual items of clothing that need extra attention versus an entire load of laundry. Wetting a microfiber cloth removes pet hair as easily and as quickly as a lint roller while being far less wasteful! Similar to the microfiber hack, wetting a sponge will help catch and lift pet hair from any article of clothing. There are sponges specifically made to remove pet hair, but a regular sponge from the grocery store will work just fine too. Avoid sponges that are overly abrasive to avoid snagging your clothes!
4. Add Vinegar
If plain white vinegar isn’t a staple in your house yet, it should be! Vinegar helps to loosen up pet hair in the wash. As a bonus, adding a cup of vinegar to every load of laundry will remove stubborn doggy smells. Your clothes won’t come out smelling like a pickle, we promise.
5. Reusable Lint Roller
The second best thing to sliced bread is a reusable lint roller. The sticky surface of reusable lint rollers will pick up all kinds of pet hair and once it’s done the job, you can rinse and reuse. These come in all shapes and sizes and can be found on Amazon or at Target.